Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
527 lines
{█ █}
{█ Virtual Pascal Runtime Library. Version 1.0. █}
{█ OS/2 REXX interface unit █}
{█ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────█}
{█ Copyright (C) 1995 B&M&T Corporation █}
{█ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────█}
{█ Written by Vitaly Miryanov █}
{█ █}
unit Os2Rexx;
uses Os2Def;
{ Common }
{ This section defines return codes and constants that are the }
{ same for both 16-bit and 32-bit REXX calls. }
rxAutoBufLen = 256;
{ Record for external interface string (RXSTRING) }
PRxString = ^RxString;
RxString = record
strlength: ULong; { length of string }
strptr: PChar; { pointer to string }
{ Record for system exit block (RXSYSEXIT) 32-bit }
PRxSysExit = ^RxSysExit;
RxSysExit = record
sysexit_name: PChar; { subcom enviro for sysexit }
sysexit_code: Long; { sysexit function code }
{ Call type codes for use on interpreter startup }
rxCommand = 0; { Program called as Command }
rxSubroutine = 1; { Program called as Subroutine }
rxFunction = 2; { Program called as Function }
{ Subcommand Interface defines}
{ Drop Authority for RXSUBCOM interface }
rxsubcom_Droppable = $00; { handler to be dropped by all }
rxsubcom_NonDrop = $01; { process with same PID as the }
{ registrant may drop environ }
{ Return Codes from RXSUBCOM interface }
rxsubcom_IsReg = $01; { Subcommand is registered }
rxsubcom_Error = $01; { Subcommand Ended in Error }
rxsubcom_Failure = $02; { Subcommand Ended in Failure }
rxsubcom_BadEntry = 1001; { Invalid Entry Conditions }
rxsubcom_NoEMem = 1002; { Insuff stor to complete req }
rxsubcom_BadType = 1003; { Bad registration type. }
rxsubcom_NotInit = 1004; { API system not initialized. }
rxsubcom_Ok = 0; { Function Complete }
rxsubcom_Dup = 10; { Duplicate Environment Name- }
{ but Registration Completed }
rxsubcom_MaxReg = 20; { Cannot register more }
{ handlers }
rxsubcom_NotReg = 30; { Name Not Registered }
rxsubcom_NoCanDrop = 40; { Name not droppable }
rxsubcom_LoadErr = 50; { Could not load function }
rxsubcom_NoProc = 127; { RXSUBCOM routine - not found}
{ Shared Variable Pool Interface defines }
{ Function Codes for Variable Pool Interface (shvcode) }
rxshv_Set = $00; { Set var from given value }
rxshv_Fetch = $01; { Copy value of var to buffer }
rxshv_DropV = $02; { Drop variable }
rxshv_SySet = $03; { Symbolic name Set variable }
rxshv_SyFet = $04; { Symbolic name Fetch variable}
rxshv_SyDro = $05; { Symbolic name Drop variable }
rxshv_NextV = $06; { Fetch "next" variable }
rxshv_Priv = $07; { Fetch private information }
rxshv_Exit = $08; { Set function exit value }
{ Return Codes for Variable Pool Interface }
rxshv_NoAvl = 144; { Interface not available }
{ Return Code Flags for Variable Pool Interface (shvret) }
rxshv_Ok = $00; { Execution was OK }
rxshv_NewV = $01; { Variable did not exist }
rxshv_LVar = $02; { Last var trans via SHVNEXTV }
rxshv_Trunc = $04; { Truncation occurred-Fetch }
rxshv_BadN = $08; { Invalid variable name }
rxshv_MemFl = $10; { Out of memory failure }
rxshv_BadF = $80; { Invalid funct code (shvcode)}
{ Record of Shared Variable Request Block (SHVBLOCK) }
PShvBlock = ^ShvBlock;
ShvBlock = record
shvnext: PShvBlock; { pointer to the next block }
shvname: RxString; { Pointer to the name buffer }
shvvalue: RxString; { Pointer to the value buffer }
shvnamelen: ULong; { Length of the name value }
shvvaluelen: ULong; { Length of the fetch value }
shvcode: Byte; { Function code for this block}
shvret: Byte; { Individual Return Code Flags}
{ External Function Interface }
{ Registration Type Identifiers for Available Function Table }
rxfunc_DynaLink = 1; { Function Available in DLL }
rxfunc_CallEntry = 2; { Registered as mem entry pt.}
{ Return Codes from RxFunction interface }
rxfunc_Ok = 0; { REXX-API Call Successful }
rxfunc_Defined = 10; { Function Defined in AFT }
rxfunc_NoMem = 20; { Not Enough Mem to Add }
rxfunc_NotReg = 30; { Funct Not Registered in AFT}
rxfunc_ModNotFnd = 40; { Funct Dll Module Not Found }
rxfunc_EntNotFnd = 50; { Funct Entry Point Not Found}
rxfunc_NotInit = 60; { API not initialized }
rxfunc_BadType = 70; { Bad function type }
{ System Exits defines }
{ Drop Authority for Rexx Exit interface }
exit_Droppable = 0; { handle to be dropped by all }
exit_NonDrop = 1; { process with same PID as the}
{ registrant may drop environ }
{ Exit return actions }
exit_Handled = 0; { Exit handled exit event }
exit_Not_Handled = 1; { Exit passes on exit event }
exit_Raise_Error = -1; { Exit handler error occurred }
{ Return Codes from RXEXIT interface }
rxexit_IsReg = $01; { Exit is registered }
rxexit_Error = $01; { Exit Ended in Error }
rxexit_Failure = $02; { Exit Ended in Failure }
rxexit_BadEntry = 1001; { Invalid Entry Conditions }
rxexit_NoEmem = 1002; { Insuff stor to complete req }
rxexit_BadType = 1003; { Bad registration type. }
rxexit_NotInit = 1004; { API system not initialized. }
rxexit_Ok = 0; { Function Complete }
rxexit_Dup = 10; { Duplicate Exit Name- }
{ but Registration Completed }
rxexit_MaxReg = 20; { Cannot register more }
{ handlers }
rxexit_NotReg = 30; { Name Not Registered }
rxexit_NoCanDrop = 40; { Name not droppable }
rxexit_LoadErr = 50; { Could not load function }
rxexit_NoProc = 127; { RXEXIT routine - not found }
{ System Exit function and sub-function definitions }
rxEndLst = 0; { End of exit list. }
rxFnc = 2; { Process external functions. }
rxFncCal = 1; { subcode value. }
rxCmd = 3; { Process host commands. }
rxCmdHst = 1; { subcode value. }
rxMsq = 4; { Manipulate queue. }
rxMsqPll = 1; { Pull a line from queue }
rxMsqPsh = 2; { Place a line on queue }
rxMsqSiz = 3; { Return num of lines on queue}
rxMsqNam = 20; { Set active queue name }
rxSio = 5; { Session I/O. }
rxSioSay = 1; { SAY a line to STDOUT }
rxSioTrc = 2; { Trace output }
rxSioTrd = 3; { Read from char stream }
rxSioDtr = 4; { DEBUG read from char stream }
rxSioTll = 5; { Return linelength(N/A OS/2) }
rxHlt = 7; { Halt processing. }
rxHltClr = 1; { Clear HALT indicator }
rxHltTst = 2; { Test HALT indicator }
rxTrc = 8; { Test ext trace indicator. }
rxTrcTst = 1; { subcode value. }
rxIni = 9; { Initialization processing. }
rxIniExt = 1; { subcode value. }
rxTer = 10; { Termination processing. }
rxTerExt = 1; { subcode value. }
rxNoOfExits = 11; { 1 + largest exit number. }
PExit = ^Byte; { ptr to exit parameter block }
{ Asynchronous Request Interface defines }
{ Return Codes from Asynchronous Request interface }
rxari_Ok = 0; { Interface completed }
rxari_Not_Found = 1; { Target program not found }
rxari_Processing_Error = 2; { Error processing request }
{ Macro Space Interface defines }
{ Registration Search Order Flags }
rxmacro_Search_Before = 1; { Beginning of search order }
rxmacro_Search_After = 2; { End of search order }
{ Return Codes from RxMacroSpace interface }
rxmacro_Ok = 0; { Macro interface completed }
rxmacro_No_Storage = 1; { Not Enough Storage Available}
rxmacro_Not_Found = 2; { Requested function not found}
rxmacro_Extension_Required = 3; { File ext required for save }
rxmacro_Already_Exists = 4; { Macro functions exist }
rxmacro_File_Error = 5; { File I/O error in save/load }
rxmacro_Signature_Error = 6; { Incorrect format for load }
rxmacro_Source_Not_Found = 7; { Requested cannot be found }
rxmacro_Invalid_Position = 8; { Invalid search order pos }
rxmacro_Not_Init = 9; { API not initialized }
{ 32-bit }
{ Main Entry Point to the REXXSAA Interpreter }
function RexxStart (
ArgC: Long; { Num of args passed to rexx }
ArgV: PRxString; { Array of args passed to rex}
FileName: PChar; { [d:][path] filename[.ext] }
Proc: PRxString; { Loc of rexx proc in memory }
Env: PChar; { ASCIIZ initial environment.}
rType: Long; { type (command,subrtn,funct)}
Exit: PRxSysExit; { SysExit env. names & codes}
var Ret: Word; { Ret code from if numeric }
var RetVal: RxString { Retvalue from the rexx proc}
): Long;
{ Subcommand Interface }
{ RexxRegisterSubcomDll -- Register a DLL entry point }
{ as a Subcommand handler }
function RexxRegisterSubcomDll(
HName: PChar; { Name of subcom handler }
DllName: PChar; { Name of DLL }
ProcName: PChar; { Name of procedure in DLL }
UserArea: Pointer; { User area }
Drop: ULong): ApiRet; { Drop authority. }
{ RexxRegisterSubcomExe -- Register an EXE entry point }
{ as a Subcommand handler }
function RexxRegisterSubcomExe (
HName: PChar; { Name of subcom handler }
HandlerAddr: PFn; { address of handler in EXE }
UserArea: Pointer): ApiRet; { User area }
{ RexxQuerySubcom - Query an environment for Existance }
function RexxQuerySubcom(
EnvName: PChar; { Name of the Environment }
DllName: PChar; { DLL Module Name }
var ExCode: Word; { Stor for existance code }
var User: Word): ApiRet; { Stor for user word }
{ RexxDeregisterSubcom - Drop registration of a Subcommand environment }
function RexxDeregisterSubcom(
EnvName: PChar; { Name of the Environment }
DllName: PChar): ApiRet; { DLL Module Name }
{ Shared Variable Pool Interface }
{ RexxVariablePool - Request Variable Pool Service }
function RexxVariablePool(var Pool: ShvBlock): ApiRet; { Pointer to list of SHVBLOCKs}
{ External Function Interface }
{ RexxRegisterFunctionDll - Register a function in the AFT }
function RexxRegisterFunctionDll (
FnName: PChar; { Name of function to add }
DllName: PChar; { Dll file name (if in dll) }
Entry: PChar): ApiRet; { Entry in dll }
{ RexxRegisterFunctionExe - Register a function in the AFT }
function RexxRegisterFunctionExe (
FnName: PChar; { Name of function to add }
Entry: PFn): ApiRet; { Entry point in EXE }
{ RexxDeregisterFunction - Delete a function from the AFT }
function RexxDeregisterFunction(FnName: PChar): ApiRet; { Name of function to remove }
{ RexxQueryFunction - Scan the AFT for a function }
function RexxQueryFunction(FnName: PChar): ApiRet; { Name of function to find }
{ System Exits }
{ Subfunction RXFNCCAL - External Function Calls }
{ rxfnc_flags flags }
rxfferr = $01; { Invalid call to routine. }
rxffnfnd = $02; { Function not found. }
rxffsub = $04; { Called as a subroutine }
RxFnCCal_Parm = record
rxfnc_flags: Byte; { function flags }
rxfnc_name: PChar; { Pointer to function name. }
rxfnc_namel: Word; { Length of function name. }
rxfnc_que: PChar; { Current queue name. }
rxfnc_quel: Word; { Length of queue name. }
rxfnc_argc: Word; { Number of args in list. }
rxfnc_argv: PRxString; { Pointer to argument list. }
rxfnc_retc: RxString; { Return value. }
{ Subfunction RXCMDHST -- Process Host Commands }
{ rxcmd_flags flags }
rxfcfail = $01; { Command failed. }
rxfcerr = $02; { Command ERROR occurred. }
RxCmdHst_Parm = record
rxcmd_flags: Byte; { error/failure flags }
rxcmd_address: PChar; { Pointer to address name. }
rxcmd_addressl: Word; { Length of address name. }
rxcmd_dll: PChar; { dll name for command. }
rxcmd_dll_len: Word; { Length of dll name. }
rxcmd_command: RxString; { The command string. }
rxcmd_retc: RxString; { Pointer to return buffer }
{ Subfunction RXMSQPLL -- Pull Entry from Queue }
RxMsqPll_Parm = record
rxmsq_retc: RxString; { Pointer to dequeued entry }
end; { buffer. User allocated. }
{ Subfunction RXMSQPSH -- Push Entry on Queue }
{ rxmsq_flags flags }
rxfmlifo = $01; { Stack entry LIFO if set }
RxMsqPsh_Parm = record
rxmsq_flags: Byte; { LIFO/FIFO flag }
rxmsq_value: RxString { The entry to be pushed. }
{ Subfunction RXMSQSIZ -- Return the Current Queue Size }
RxMsqSiz_Parm = record
rxmsq_size: ULong; { Number of Lines in Queue }
{ Subfunction RXMSQNAM -- Set Current Queue Name }
RxMsqNam_Parm = record
rxmsq_name: RxString; { RxString containing }
end; { queue name. }
{ Subfunction RXSIOSAY -- Perform SAY Clause }
RxSioSay_Parm = record
rxsio_string: RxString; { String to display. }
{ Subfunction RXSIOTRC -- Write Trace Output }
RxSioTrc_Parm = record
rxsio_string: RxString; { Trace line to display. }
{ Subfunction RXSIOTRD -- Read Input from the Terminal }
RxSioTrd_Parm = record
rxsiotrd_retc: RxString; { RxString for output. }
{ Subfunction RXSIODTR -- Read Debug Input from the Terminal }
RxSioDtr_Parm = record
rxsiodtr_retc: RxString; { RxString for output. }
{ Subfunction RXHSTTST -- Test for HALT Condition }
{ rxhlt_flags flags }
rxfhhalt = $01; { Set if HALT occurred. }
RxHltTst_Parm = record
rxhlt_flags: Byte; { Set if HALT occurred }
{ Subfunction RXTRCTST -- Test for TRACE Condition }
{ rxtrc_flags flags }
rxftrace = $01; { Set to run external trace. }
RxTrcTst_Parm = record
rxtrc_flags: Byte; { Set to run external trace }
{ RexxRegisterExitDll - Register a system exit. }
function RexxRegisterExitDll (
HExit: PChar; { Name of the exit handler }
DllName: PChar; { Name of the DLL }
ProcName: PChar; { Name of the procedure }
UserArea: Pointer; { User area }
Drop: ULong): ApiRet; { Drop authority }
{ RexxRegisterExitExe - Register a system exit. }
function RexxRegisterExitExe (
HExit: PChar; { Name of the exit handler }
HandlerAddr: PFn; { Address of exit handler }
UserArea: Pointer): ApiRet; { User area }
{ RexxDeregisterExit - Drop registration of a system exit. }
function RexxDeregisterExit (
ExitName: PChar; { Exit name }
DllName: PChar): ApiRet ; { DLL module name }
{ RexxQueryExit - Query an exit for existance. }
function RexxQueryExit (
ExitName: PChar; { Exit name }
DllName: PChar; { DLL Module name. }
var ExFlag: Word; { Existance flag. }
UserArea: Pointer): ApiRet; { User data. }
{ Asynchronous Request Interface }
{ RexxSetHalt - Request Program Halt }
function RexxSetHalt(
Pid: Pid; { Process Id }
Tid: Tid): ApiRet; { Thread Id }
{ RexxSetTrace - Request Program Trace }
function RexxSetTrace(
Pid: Pid; { Process Id }
Tid: Tid): ApiRet; { Thread Id }
{ RexxResetTrace - Turn Off Program Trace }
function RexxResetTrace(
Pid: Pid; { Process Id }
Tid: Tid): ApiRet; { Thread Id }
{ Macro Space Interface }
{ RexxAddMacro - Register a function in the Macro Space }
function RexxAddMacro (
FnName: PChar; { Function to add or change }
FileName: PChar; { Name of file to get function}
SrchPos: ULong): ApiRet; { Flag indicating search pos }
{ RexxDropMacro - Remove a function from the Macro Space }
function RexxDropMacro(FnName: PChar): ApiRet; { Name of function to remove }
{ RexxSaveMacroSpace - Save Macro Space functions to a file }
function RexxSaveMacroSpace (
ArgC: ULong; { Argument count (0==save all)}
var NameLst: PChar; { List of funct names to save }
FileName: PChar): ApiRet; { File to save functions in }
{ RexxLoadMacroSpace - Load Macro Space functions from a file }
function RexxLoadMacroSpace (
ArgC: ULong; { Argument count (0==load all)}
var NameLst: PChar; { List of funct names to load }
FileName: PChar): ApiRet; { File to load functions from }
{ RexxQueryMacro - Find a function's search-order position }
function RexxQueryMacro (
FnName: PChar; { Function to search for }
var PtrPos: Word): ApiRet; { Ptr for position flag return }
{ RexxReorderMacro - Change a function's search-order position }
function RexxReorderMacro(
FnName: PChar; { Name of funct change order }
NewPos: ULong): ApiRet; { New position for function }
{ RexxClearMacroSpace - Remove all functions from a MacroSpace }
function RexxClearMacroSpace: ApiRet; { No Arguments. }
function RexxAddMacro; external;
function RexxClearMacroSpace; external;
function RexxDeregisterExit; external;
function RexxDeregisterFunction; external;
function RexxDeregisterSubcom; external;
function RexxDropMacro; external;
function RexxLoadMacroSpace; external;
function RexxQueryExit; external;
function RexxQueryFunction; external;
function RexxQueryMacro; external;
function RexxQuerySubcom; external;
function RexxRegisterExitDll; external;
function RexxRegisterExitExe; external;
function RexxRegisterFunctionDll; external;
function RexxRegisterFunctionExe; external;
function RexxRegisterSubcomDll; external;
function RexxRegisterSubcomExe; external;
function RexxReorderMacro; external;
function RexxResetTrace; external;
function RexxSaveMacroSpace; external;
function RexxSetHalt; external;
function RexxSetTrace; external;
function RexxStart; external;
function RexxVariablePool; external;